The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a neutral third-party role designed to evaluate WAX Guild Candidates' contribution to the ecosystem and provide ongoing transparency for the community.

The office OIG is designed as a committee of 3 IGs, that work out a transparent and heuristic framework to evaluate all WAX guilds in a fair manner and improve the network’s quality, security and competitiveness. standardize WAX Guild evaluations, and properly recognise those WAX Guilds making valuable contributions to the WAX ecosystem.

Green text represents additions / modifications.

Red text with strikethrough represents removals.

Orange text represents proposed changes that have not reached consensus yet.

Changes in v4.6 December 2022

Score Threshold


Evaluation Process

Guilds will be evaluated on a regular basis on the criteria below. The committee will publish the cutoff date for rating Guilds each evaluation cycle. Guilds will submit their update and appeals to Github in plain text with links to data/screenshots. Confidential information can be submitted via email, but requires to be noted in the public update. Publishing an update with non-confidential information is mandatory if you want the OIG to evaluate your confidential sections~~.~~ Rating appeals are to be provided as Github issues.