Grant/Bounty Tiers

The different Grant Tiers support innovative projects that enhance WAX overall and grow the WAX ecosystem. We welcome proposals from both non-profit and for-profit entities, with the goal of driving progress and value within our community.

With four grant tiers, each tier has its own requirements and review criteria, ensuring that we're able to support a diverse range of projects.

Community Small Medium Large
Grant ≤ 1,000$ ≤ $10,000 ≤ $25,000 ≥ $25,000
Requirements - Released OS

GC = Grant Council, OIG = WAX OIG, WAX = WAX DevRelRep

Community Vote Threshold

A community vote threshold can be introduced to act as a sentiment indicator on proposals and encourage community engagement, e.g. RFP discussions or “WAX Community Chat”.

By requiring a minimum number of votes from the community, we ensure that there is support for the proposal. This helps us identify if the project or feature aligns with the community.

Community Small Medium Large
Grant ≤ 1,000$ ≤ $10,000 ≤ $25,000 ≥ $25,000
Requirements - Released OS

Add: Voting YES & NO
