This manual is designed to outline the general process of evaluating contributions and presenting the results.


The Lifecycle is sequential: Announced → Released → Concluded/Abandoned

Label Description
Announced A project or Engagement has been introduced, but not yet released and no score was assigned.
Released A project was released, added to the contributions sheet & assigned a score
Concluded An engagement or product was officially reported as discontinued or reached a score of 0 via decay.
Abandoned A project or engagement entered an unmaintained state that rendered it unusable without being officially discontinued.
An announced engagement stops being reported upon without ever reaching a public release or being officially concluded.


Label Description
Decayed The decay rate has been applied in the current evaluation cycle.
Upheld A project received updates and stats have been reported. No score reduction has been applied this evaluation.


Label Description Example default decay rate
Marketplace NFTHive, Neftyblocks, Atomichub 0.5
Game Acryptia, Dark Country, Rada Quest, alien.worlds 0.5
Utility Anchor, WAXDAO, Creator tools 0.5
Tool 0.5
SDK Unity SDK, Wharfkit 0.5
Validation Validationcore, Sengine 0.5
Development DelphiOracle, Scripts 0.5
API OS APIs, Thalos 0.5
Community TG/Discord Bots, Stats Pages 0.5
Service (B2B) Hosting Services 0.5
Educational Development Guides & Articles 0.5
On-Boarding Advising, Development/Marketing Assistance 1
Marketing Marketing Material, WAX visibility 1
Event WAX on Events 1
Backup Backups/Snapshots 0



Project NFTHive Creator Tools + PFP

Project is essential for WAX and development/maintainance is reported, so the project is not decaying